
Several options for signing transactions are available in Brownie Safe, including support for hardware wallets.

Signatures are required, Gnosis transaction service will only accept a transaction with an owner signature or from a delegate.

Local accounts

This is the default signing method when you send a transaction.

Import a private key or a keystore into Brownie to use it with Brownie Safe. Brownie accounts are encrypted at rest as .json keystores. See also Brownie’s Account management documentation.

# Import a private key
$ brownie accounts new ape
Enter the private key you wish to add:

# Import a .json keystore
$ brownie accounts import ape keystore.json

Brownie Safe will prompt you for an account (unless supplied as an argument) and Brownie will prompt you for a password.

>>> safe.sign_transaction(safe_tx)
signer (ape, safe): ape
Enter password for "ape":

>>> safe.sign_transaction(safe_tx, 'ape')
Enter password for "ape":

If you prefer to manage accounts outside Brownie, e.g. use a seed phrase, you can pass a LocalAccount instance:

>>> from eth_account import Account
>>> key = Account.from_mnemonic('safe grape tape escape...')
>>> safe.sign_transaction(safe_tx, key)


If you wish to use a hardware wallet, your best option is Frame. It supports Ledger, Trezor, and Lattice. You can also use with with keystore accounts, they are called Ring Signers in Frame.

To sign, select an account in Frame and do this:

>>> safe.sign_with_frame(safe_tx)

Frame exposes an RPC connection at and exposes the currently selected account as eth_accounts[0]. Brownie Safe sends the payload as eth_signTypedData_v4, which must be supported by your signer device.


Alternative method for Trezor models and firmware versions which don’t support EIP-712 using eth_sign:

>>> safe.sign_with_trezor(safe_tx)