Detailed example

Let’s try making a transaction that puts to work the idle DAI in our treasury. We have our eyes on one of the Yearn’s vaults where you need to supply a Curve LP token.

The vault token is a few hops away from DAI:

  1. Deposit DAI into Curve Pool, receive Curve LP token.

  2. Deposit Curve LP into Yearn Vault, receive Vault shares.

Now drop into Brownie’s interactive console:

$ brownie console --network mainnet-fork

Play around the same way you would do with a normal account:

>>> from brownie_safe import BrownieSafe

# You can specify an ENS name here
# Specify an EthereumClient if you don't run a local node
>>> safe = BrownieSafe('ychad.eth')

# Unlocked account is available as `safe.account`
>>> safe.account
<Account '0xFEB4acf3df3cDEA7399794D0869ef76A6EfAff52'>

# Instantiate contracts with `safe.contract`
>>> dai = safe.contract('0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F')
>>> zap = safe.contract('0x094d12e5b541784701FD8d65F11fc0598FBC6332')
>>> lp = safe.contract('0x4f3E8F405CF5aFC05D68142F3783bDfE13811522')
>>> vault = safe.contract('0xFe39Ce91437C76178665D64d7a2694B0f6f17fE3')

# Work our way towards having a vault balance
>>> dai_amount = dai.balanceOf(safe)
>>> dai.approve(zap, dai_amount)
>>> amounts = [0, dai_amount, 0, 0]
>>> mint_amount = zap.calc_token_amount(amounts, True)
>>> zap.add_liquidity(amounts, mint_amount * 0.99)
>>> lp.approve(vault, 2 ** 256 - 1)
>>> vault.depositAll()
>>> vault.balanceOf(safe)

# Combine transaction history into a multisend transaction
>>> safe_tx = safe.multisend_from_receipts()

# Estimate the gas needed for a successful execution
>>> safe.estimate_gas(safe_tx)

# Preview the side effects in mainnet fork,
# including a detailed call trace, courtesy of Brownie
>>> safe.preview(safe_tx, call_trace=True)

# Post it to the transaction service
# Prompts for a signature if needed
>>> safe.post_transaction(safe_tx)

# Post an additional confirmation to the transaction service
>>> signtature = safe.sign_transaction(safe_tx)
>>> safe.post_signature(safe_tx, signature)

# Retrieve pending transactions from the transaction service
>>> safe.pending_transactions

# Preview the side effects of all pending transactions
>>> safe.preview_pending()

# Execute the transactions with enough signatures
>>> network.priority_fee('2 gwei')
>>> signer = safe.get_signer('ape')
>>> for tx in safe.pending_transactions:
>>>     receipt = safe.execute_transaction(safe_tx, signer)