Signing ======= Several options for signing transactions are available in Brownie Safe, including support for hardware wallets. Signatures are required, Gnosis `transaction service`_ will only accept a transaction with an owner signature or from `a delegate`_. Local accounts -------------- This is the default signing method when you send a transaction. Import a private key or a keystore into Brownie to use it with Brownie Safe. Brownie accounts are encrypted at rest as .json keystores. See also Brownie's `Account management`_ documentation. .. code-block:: bash # Import a private key $ brownie accounts new ape Enter the private key you wish to add: # Import a .json keystore $ brownie accounts import ape keystore.json Brownie Safe will prompt you for an account (unless supplied as an argument) and Brownie will prompt you for a password. .. code-block:: python >>> safe.sign_transaction(safe_tx) signer (ape, safe): ape Enter password for "ape": >>> safe.sign_transaction(safe_tx, 'ape') Enter password for "ape": If you prefer to manage accounts outside Brownie, e.g. use a seed phrase, you can pass a ``LocalAccount`` instance: .. code-block:: python >>> from eth_account import Account >>> key = Account.from_mnemonic('safe grape tape escape...') >>> safe.sign_transaction(safe_tx, key) Frame ----- If you wish to use a hardware wallet, your best option is Frame_. It supports Ledger, Trezor, and Lattice. You can also use with with keystore accounts, they are called Ring Signers in Frame. To sign, select an account in Frame and do this: .. code-block:: python >>> safe.sign_with_frame(safe_tx) Frame exposes an RPC connection at ```` and exposes the currently selected account as ``eth_accounts[0]``. Brownie Safe sends the payload as ``eth_signTypedData_v4``, which must be supported by your signer device. Trezor ------ Alternative method for Trezor models and firmware versions which don't support EIP-712 using ``eth_sign``: .. code-block:: python >>> safe.sign_with_trezor(safe_tx) .. _`transaction service`: .. _`a delegate`: .. _Account management: .. _Frame: