Changelog ========= 0.8.0 ----- - add anvil support - speed up simulations by writing to storage instead of sending approveHash transactions - dropped ganache support 0.7.2 ----- - rename the package to brownie-safe - backport safe transaction service - switch frame to the correct network - update safe api endpoints 0.6.0 ----- - add support for boba, fantom, optimism - preview including the pending txs 0.5.0 ----- - execute transaction with frame - trezor eip-712 signing support 0.4.0 ----- - trezor signing support 0.3.0 ----- - hardware wallet support via frame - submit signatures to transaction service - retrieve pending transactions from transaction service - execute signed transactions - convert confirmations to signatures - expanded documentation about signing 0.2.0 ----- - add support for safe contracts 1.3.0 - switch to multicall 1.3.0 call only - support multiple networks - autodetect transaction service from chain id